Davis said one segment will feature a testimonial of McCain's years spent as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. 戴维斯说,其中一个部分将是对麦凯恩在越战中被囚禁多年的一段生活的褒奖。
Instead, McCain recalls his experience as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War and urges voters to fight for their beliefs. 麦凯恩转而回顾他在越南战争中曾经当过战俘的经历,并敦促选民应该为他们的信仰而奋斗。
McCain was shot down over North Vietnam and was held as a prisoner of war under brutal conditions. 麦凯恩在越南北部被击中,成为战俘,并忍受残酷恶劣的战俘生活条件。
In remarks prepared for a dinner in honor of his one-time rival, he called the former Vietnam prisoner of war a "rare and courageous public servant," who places country before party. 在为他的这位老对手举办的宴会上,他发表演讲,称这位越战俘虏是一位将国家利益置于政党利益之上的“杰出的、勇敢的公务员”。
On the campaign trail, audiences also applaud Republican McCain's tales of his experience as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, which embody qualities he seeks to project as a candidate. 在竞选之路上,观众们也在为越战中有囚徒经历的共和党人麦凯恩鼓掌,他寻求打造的候选人品质被自己的经历展示的淋漓尽致。
British soldier Horace Greasley was so besotted with his German sweetheart he would risk death by Nazi firing squad by sneaking out of his prisoner of war camp to see her. 英国士兵贺拉斯格里斯利是如此深爱他的德国女友,所以他甘愿冒着被纳粹行刑队发现的死亡危险,也要溜出战俘营去见她。
He spent 47 days at sea, until he was captured by the Japanese Navy and kept as a prisoner of war. 他在海上漂浮了47天,最终被日军抓住,沦为战俘。
The extension of the kernel word "person" in oracle bone inscriptions should be the slave, the prisoner of war, the free worker, the civil and military officials, the common people and the minority. 甲骨文核心词“人”的外延应该是奴隶、战俘、自由劳动者、臣僚、平民及周边少数民族。
A prisoner of war must only reveal his name, rank, and serial number. 战俘至少必须交待姓名、军衔和入伍编号。
His comrades perish, and Alfie becomes a German prisoner of war. 战友遇难,阿尔菲自己成了德国人的囚犯。
CHAPTER 2: PRISONER OF WAR Let's leave out Chapter Two and cut to Chapter Three. 第二章:第三集中营我们暂不看第二章,先看第三章。
Chapter 2: prisoner of war 第二章:第三集中营
No Prisoner of War save data present on the hard disk. 在硬碟里没有第三集中营的资料。
The prisoner of war gave his parole not to try to escape. 该名战俘给予自己的言词保证不去试著逃跑。
The inmates of a German World War II prisoner of war camp conduct an espionage and sabotage campaign right under the noses of their warders. 讲述了二战期间德国战俘集中营的人们在他们的守卫鼻子底下进行间谍和破坏活动。
Word of honor, especially that of a prisoner of war who is granted freedom only after promising to lay down arms. 宣誓,诺言尤指放下武器后就能得到自由的战犯的承诺。
Three years I spent in that hellhole, three years a prisoner of war to that damnable frostwolf clan. 三年来(我)一直困在那个鬼地方,三年来都是该死的霜狼的囚徒。
A luckless prisoner of war; 坏运气的战争罪犯;
His experiences as a prisoner of war have left him marked for life. 他当战俘的经历给他精神上留下终身难忘的创伤。
The prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. 迅速地把尸体拖进了灌木丛。
All evening we had been asking our returned soldier, the youngest Patrick Boy, about his experiences as a prisoner of war. 整个晚上,我们都围着帕垂克先生的小儿子,他作为战俘刚被遣送回国。
The prisoner of war escaped from the jail. 那个战俘从牢笼中逃了出来。
And Biden acknowledged McCain's military service as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, but said Obama would be a better leader. 同时拜登也认可麦凯恩在越战中作为战俘的军队经历,但他说奥巴马才是更好的领导人。
Especially life as a prisoner of war. 特别是一个战俘的生命。
Reports from American Media on Prisoner Mistreatment have never ended since 2004. It is easy to find out the similarity of American media behavior in anti-terrorism war and in Vietnam War. 2004年以来,美国媒体报道的军方虐囚丑闻至今未曾停息。
Events On the Content and Development of the Treatment Rules for Prisoner of War and the Illegality of Maltreatment to Prisoners in America 战俘待遇规则的发展、内容及美国虐囚事件的违法性
The Shenyang Allied Prisoner Camp of the Japanese in WW ⅱ, which was called by the Japanese "The Mukden Allied Prisoner of War Camp", was built in 1942 by Japanese invaders. 位于沈阳市的二战沈阳盟军战俘营,是1942日本建立的关押美英等国盟军战俘的集中营。